2024 Best Computer & Cyber Security Service

Tillamook  Computers


Email: Gil@TillamookComputers.com


Gilbert Davis May 9th 2022

Gilbert Davis MCSE

Over 35 years of experience

 New and Legacy Tech & Ideas

Enhance Your Online Security with Tillamook's Top Computer & Cyber Security Services

Welcome to Tillamook Computers,your go-to destination for cutting-edge digital defense solutions. Under the leadership of Gilbert Davis, boasting a wealth of experience since 1987, and holding the esteemed MCSE certification and Cyber Security Certification, we are committed to fortifying both contemporary and traditional technologies against modern cyber threats.CyberSecurity

Our Range of Expertise:


Windows Desktop and Servers



Website Design


Google Search Engine

Bluetooth Connect

Anti Virus

Optimize Performance

Is your computer experiencing sluggishness? Let us revitalize its performance for enhanced productivity. Comprehensive Cyber Security In an era fraught with viruses and cyber threats, safeguarding your network is non-negotiable.

Whether you're a homeowner or a business proprietor, our Cyber Security Suite guarantees comprehensive protection, whether your data is local, hybrid, or cloud-based.

Take Proactive Measures

Prevention is key. Don't wait for a breach to occur. Reach out to us for a meticulous assessment and evaluation of your network and website.  Let us empower you with the assurance of a fortified digital presence.
Your Safety Is Our Priority Rely on Tillamook Computers to navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape with confidence. Together, let's bolster your defenses for a secure tomorrow.

 Enhance Your Security Today!

Protect Your Digital World
In an era where cyber threats lurk around every corner, safeguarding your home or business network is paramount. That's where I come in. Utilizing cutting-edge Cyber Security Solutions, I offer comprehensive scanning and evaluation services for your network and website. Whether your data resides in-house, operates in a hybrid environment, or floats in the cloud, rest assured, I've got you covered.

Why Choose Me?

Teaming up with industry leader IBM, I bring the power of IBM Newton AI Computer systems and a suite of network tools to fortify your defenses. As an IBM Certified Cybersecurity Analyst (2023), I possess the expertise and tools necessary to shield your Windows networks and online platforms from potential threats.

Social Media Account Inheritance

What happens to your social media presence when you're no longer here? Don't leave it to chance. With inheritance plans offered by major platforms like Facebook, Google, and Apple, I can help you designate trusted individuals to manage your online legacy. Whether it's ensuring account closure or memorialization, the choice is yours.

Protect Yourself from Scammers

In today's digital landscape, vigilance is key. Remember, reputable companies like Microsoft won't reach out to you via phone or email unless you have an active subscription. If you receive unsolicited communication claiming irregularities on your computer, don't engage. Hang up, and never grant remote access to strangers. Your security is non-negotiable.

Secure your peace of mind today. Contact me to fortify your digital defenses and protect what matters most. Don't wait until it's too late!

Gil Davis
Your Trusted Cybersecurity Partner







Veteran Owned Business

I am a veteran and served in the United States Army. - Gilbert Davis



Gilbert Davis West Point Teaching Cadets

This is me Gilbert Davis in the Army. 

It was in 1987 in New York Field Training for West Point Cadets. 

I'm holding the clipboard and grading.


Specialist Davis

At West Point Circa 1987


My Certifications


IBM Certification

Certified Cybersecurity Analyst

Google IT Suport Certified

Apple Certification




 Sales Service & Solutions

 503 815 8433



Tillamook Computers
885 Deer Circle    
Tillamook, OR 97141

Federal Trade Commission: IdentityTheft.gov

Data_Breach.pdf (identitytheft.gov)